Theology, Culture, Etc.

  • Gnostics of the Galaxy

    Gnostics of the Galaxy

    My wife and I love Marvel movies. We are, in some sense, Marvel-Junkies. Whenever a new movie comes out, we head over to The Waterfront Cinemark, get our drinks and popcorn, and settle in for what has the potential to be a very fun ride. Yes, the movies aren’t always the best–but that’s part of…

  • The Magisterial Reformation

    The Magisterial Reformation

    I grew up fairly conservative Lutheran. I’ve spent a lot of time in Lutheran academic spaces. I went to a private Lutheran college for my Undergraduate; I have a Master of Divinity degree from a Lutheran seminary. Most of my close friends and mentors are Lutheran. I’ve read a lot of the primary sources when…

  • Inaugural Post

    Inaugural Post

    It is perhaps cliche to start this blog off with a hypothetical question–but one has to ask, why one more blog? In some sense, I’ve missed the ‘blog fad’ of the early 2,000’s, and the only people that still have blogs these days are gathering ethno-nationalist and religious fundamentalist minions to wreak havoc on the…